PTFE Corrugated Transfer Hoses (GTC)
Innercore of corrugated PTFE hose, externally reinforced with stainless steel wire braid.
(-54° C) to 204° C
PTFE hoses Specifications
Corrugated transfer PTFE hoses, are the most broadly applied general – purpose work hoses found in hundreds of chemical transfer and food handling situations. Its present applications are as diverse as water purification systems, mercury transfer lines, and food processing equipment.
It has unusually high resistance to thermal cycling; therefore is used extensively in tire presses, laundry presses and other types of steam service where on-off operating cycles cause wide temperature fluctuations inside the hoses.
Corrugated transfer PTFE hoses are extraordinarily versatile hoses, combining excellent flexibility with large size in both length and I.D. (See Specification Table). Present users rate this as the ideal bulk transfer hoses for a wide range of caustics, chemicals and raw materials. Their applications include tank car and ship off loading, bulk handling, chemical and petrochemical transfer, pump connections and many others. PTFE hoses can also be used as a suction hoses for unloading or transfer at negative pressure.